I am healthcare provider

The Medicoo app is an entry-level solution to support your GP practice and/or post. Patients ask their health questions quickly and easily via chat. Our medical team of BIG-registered nurses and GPs triage and provide personalised healthcare advice.

Medicoo is ideal for requests for help where medical advice is desired but a physical visit is not necessary. If a physical visit is necessary, the patient is referred to you. Our medical team works closely with you according to your protocols as an additional remote colleague.

Medicoo for:

Care in day practice

Care at the GP surgery

Care for tourists

Care for refugees

Care to Nonis

The advantages of Medicoo

Our partners in healthcare

Let's get acquainted!

Contact us for more information, to make an appointment or to go through your requirements together.

How may we contact you?
Note: health-related questions will not be answered through this website.
