Tilburg - Since the healthcare app Medicoo has been equipped with a digital triage module and automatic translation, even more patients are asking their health questions via the app that supports GP practices and posts. The digital triage module in the app instantly identifies the urgency and nature of the complaint. This allows the medical team of nurses and GPs to help patients even faster and more specifically via chat. And with the addition of automatic translation, the app can now be used multilingually (in all languages). This has made the app very suitable for non-native-speaking patients, refugees, tourists and migrant workers.
App with digital triage provides more efficient care
The digital triage module now includes over 39 entry complaints. Since its introduction, over 20,000 patients have used digital triage. The medical team experiences digital triage as a positive development for providing efficient care. When a patient completes the digital triage questionnaire fully and correctly, healthcare providers have a clear picture of the complaint faster. That way, personalised advice can be given faster.
Multilingual app supports Ukrainian refugees
In several locations, Ukrainian refugees have been using the Medicoo app since summer 2022. In Tilburg, affiliated GP practices were also greatly relieved, with a reduction in the number of practice visits by about 50%. Every day, patients come in through the app. "I really think it's a success story", judges GP Anniek Masman from Tilburg. "The pressure on the doctor's assistant is off. The appointment has already been made and the doctor knows what the patient is coming for."
The results show that patients who enter this new hybrid patient journey, and thus contact via the app, reach the right care more efficiently and effectively than refugees who do not use the app. For the GP, visiting these patients also results in less work, as the request for help and the reason for consultation are clear. The patient has been able to explain it in their own language and Medicinfo's medical team ensures a clear handover.

Medicoo supports GPs (posts) since 2020
The Medicoo app was launched by Medicinfo in 2020 when a great need for remote care for patients without a GP in the region (NONIs) arose in the province of Zeeland. Since then, the Medicoo app has been used by several GPs in the Netherlands to reduce their workload. Patients with a care question ask their care question easily and any time of the day via the app to Medicinfo's medical team. Patients go through a digital triage and then engage with a healthcare provider via chat. During the conversation, additional triage questions are asked and care advice follows. If necessary, an image call consultation is scheduled with a Medicinfo GP. If physical examination or treatment is required, the patient is referred to their own GP. The latter receives a complete transfer in the HIS.
To avoid unnecessary visits to the GP station To reduce the number of deaths, Medicinfo developed its own healthcare app for De Dokterswacht in Friesland, based on Medicoo.